Saturday, January 19, 2008


It is really hard to start thinking about next years events, much yet signing up for them when the outside temp is hovering around ZERO F. But today I made my first step in planning for IM-WI. I have signed up for the Horribly Hilly Hundred. This is a 200k ride that takes place partly on the Ironman Wisconsin bike course. This is Wisconsin I have to remind my self as I go up the more than 12,000 feet of climbing in this ride. This ride will span over 120 miles but it will be way harder than IM-WI. My friend Keith and I will be riding this, not for time but more for endurance and fun all in preparation for the easier 112 I will have to do in september. A fellow Ironman competitor and IM-WI 11 hr finisher Ben told me that to do this ride, survive and recover will be a greater achievement that the bike leg in the latter part of the summer. I will walk away with the confidence of this ride and will look forward to beating the next! Check it out! and now to go start hitting the trainer a bit harder.......


Blogger jwm said...

Harder than the IM ride. Do you swim first and run after? I'm not belittling the triple H. But the IM ride should be easy considering what else you have to do.

Go get 'em!


5:25 PM  

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