Sunday, July 01, 2007

A little weight loss and a week off

I had wanted to drop a few pounds before the HIM I am doing in July and this week I accomplished that goal. Not really by choice. It started last Friday, I was feeling a bit tired and weak and things progressed from there. After a visit to the doctor to dig a chunk of my ribcage out and get it tested is when it really kicked in. I figured it was from the numbing stuff they give you but the feeling never went away. Throughout the remainder of the weekend and the week I had a hard time keeping fluids in. I normally am about 201.5lbs and Thursday morning I hit rock bottom. I tipped the scale at 193! But having not really eaten anything and not doing any kind of activity it is probably counter productive for training.

Monday at work we are shutting down for the afternoon to do a 10 mile time trial, bike parade in town, an obstacle course on Lime bikes and lunch catered in. If you beat the boss you get cash. After today's self made time trail I will not be beating the boss. Over a 16 mile course which includes a warm up and cool down I could only manage a 19.2 mile average. Not really gonna cut it but what can I expect for no saddle time since last Sunday on the sweet Madone?

I will hopefully have pictures and results tomorrow. Wish me luck!


Blogger Allez said...

Weight loss, good. Being sick, bad. I WISH I could "only" average 19.2!!!

7:36 AM  

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