Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey day! (aka 10 and 1 GB day)

Well after a week and a half of inactivity (being sick sucks!) I decided to run the local Turkey Trot 10K. I was still coughing quite a bit and the post nasal drip was very prominent, but what the hell?

I had to be registered by 8:45 for a shotgun start at 9am. I grabbed my entry form filled it out and heard the announcement that registration was closed. Since I was already in line with the registration was filled out I was in! Ready to go with 2 minutes till the gun goes off I get the ipod set to track mileage/pace and time. Note to people who have no business in the front of the pack, do the god damn math and find your pace ahead of time. There were people lined up in the 6 minute mile pace group that were walkers and 15 min mile pace runners. I am not a fast runner by all means but come on, I had to bob and weave to get around these idiots to just get clear. Doing this resulted in me going out a bit too fast. First mile was clocked at a 7:12. WAY TOO FAST FOR ME. Settled into a rhythm, fought through a few side stitches and finished at 1 hour 36 seconds. I really wanted to break an hour but after being sick for an extended time not working out I'll take it.

Final numbers:
6.5 miles

Set a 5k PR at 27.00.71

Lessons learned:
I need to start the running program again. Stick with the lunch runs at an aerobic pace, speed later. I believe my aerobic fitness is ok, but always room for improvement. I need to work on flexibility. The side stitches haven't happened in a while, and that is due to inactivity. STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Another celebrity sighting/brush with second place

well celebrity if you are in the cycling world...

Monday a week after I thought, Levi showed up at Trek. That dude is short! I looked up and saw this short balding guy getting walked around and thought that guy was familiar. I asked a fellow co-worker and it was confirmed. Levi Leipheimer has right next to my desk looking at the frame I was designing! I didn't have my camera phone ready to take a picture but there is a picture of him holding one of the WSD Madones out in the plant. LINK I have heard of pro cyclists coming in but I have never seen one this close up. Kinda odd to see somebody a foot shorter than me looking larger than life, right there.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Remember November 5!

Figure it out..... ;)