The things you see on a ride
I went out for an early morning ride today. One of the first tings I saw was a clown walking on an electrical wire.....well no but hopefully it got your attention. I had numerous chipmunks and squirells try to commit suicide in front of me. There were two deer that were playing out in the field and then I saw (a few miles from home) 3 turkeys run/fly across the road. Man, would they do some damage to an unsuspecting car whizzing by not paying attention!
When you take the time to ride around and just check things out you really see a lot more of whatsout there. I drive this route to work and really don't notice any of the hills or any of the lawn ornaments out there but wow, there really is some cool stuff out there. I got a few good landscaping ideas along the way too.
Today begins a more serious training routine. The Mad City Marathon has come and passed this past weekend and now it is time to start running again. I decided not to start running till the weekend of the marathon (that I didn't do this year) to prolong ITB troubles. I want to peak in mid to end of July for the half IM to have a much better showing this year on the run. Only my time will tell :)